Publication activity records
On the basis of the Rector's Directive "Records of the Results of Creative Activity" (31R/2023, Czech only) and "Instruction of the Vice-Rector to Record the Results of Creative Activity" (7P/2023, Czech only), the author shall fill in the electronic registration form in the OBD system, which is available at no later than 30 days after the achievement of the result.
When registering a publication result in this system, the author is obliged to attach the full text of the result as a pdf file. For the Book and Chapter in a Book category, a copy or a printed copy must be submitted to the University Library.
The pdf file with the text of the result is stored in the Digital Library of the University of West Bohemia and is made available according to the publisher's publication policy.
Each author or co-author of a result recorded in the OBD system is required to have a persistent ORCID identifier (see details) established and entered into the database.
Instructions and information on how to save publication results can be found in the following presentations:
- OBD and open access publishing (.ppt, Czech only)
- Instructions for registering publication results according to open access in the OBD System (.ppt, Czech only)

Lucie Hajšmanová
Contact person for Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ladislav Sutnar´s Faculty of Design and Art, New Technologies – Research Centre, Institut of Applied language Studies, Rector's office, ICT Centre, Institute of Life-long Education

Martina Eliášková
Contact person for the Education and Health Care Library