
Identifiers are used to identify people in the digital environment. Their advantage is their international use, their unambiguous identification of the author and their persistence. In addition, they help to associate the author and the results of his/her work (articles, projects, grant applications, etc.), to eliminate problems with different variants of authors' names and to distinguish authors with the same name from each other.

ORCID – Open Researcher & Contributor ID

By registering, the author receives their unique identifier and their profile (example:

Basic information:

  • the identifier is used when submitting an article to a journal (publishers requiring ORCID)
  • the identifier is used to keep an up-to-date overview of publications and projects
  • the identifier unifies and links the Web of Science (ResearcherID) and Scopus (AuthorID) database identifiers
  • the identifier makes it easy to share the profile with other scientists
  • the identifier remains with the author even if the workplace or employer changes
  • the identifier is independent of the producers of citation databases and other tools for science evaluation, so it is suitable for global identification of authors in grant applications, when sending manuscripts to publishers, in science evaluation systems, etc.


More information:
What is ORCID? []
A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record []

Scopus support:

Connection between Scopus and ORCID:

Instructions for importing publications from Scopus to ORCID (linking Scopus ID and ORCID ID):
Importing publications from Scopus to ORCID (.pdf)


ResearcherID is a unique author identifier for managing publications in the Web of Science database on the Publons platform.

Basic information:

  • use it to exchange data between ORCID and ResearcherID
  • it is used to keep an up-to-date overview of publications and projects
  • the identifier remains with the author even if the workplace or employer changes
  • the identifier makes it easy to share the profile with other scientists
  • presentation on Researcher ID (.ppt, Czech only)


More information:

Scopus Author Identifier

This identifier is assigned during the processing of publication records in the Scopus database in order to group all works by a given author into one author profile, regardless of the name variations mentioned in the publications.

Unlike other identifiers, the Scopus Author ID is not set by the author, but by the Scopus source database. Authors can only pair the Scopus Author ID with an ORCID, or request corrections within the Scopus Author ID (a typical error is, for example, the creation of duplicate profiles for a single author by Scopus).

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