UWB University Press

Our aim is to enable the University's staff and departments to present their professional activities and results to the public. In this way, we try to support the scientific life of the University. The editorial activities of the University are governed by the Rector's Directive No. 3R/2017 (Czech only, as amended in July 2021).

Students and the general public can purchase specialized publications, proceedings, university textbooks and other materials with up-to-date content in our e-shop.

Comprehensive publishing services

We provide comprehensive publishing services:

  • in cooperation with the UWB Scientific Editorial Board we will arrange a peer review process
  • with the help of talented students of the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, we will help you with the graphic design of publications (cover design, graphic design of the book, etc.)
  • we can arrange proofreading and translation services for you
  • we will typeset your publications into printable .pdf files in the professional Adobe InDesgin program
  • printing of scientific publications, university textbooks, proceedings, yearbooks, etc.
  • we will assign an ISBN, ISSN or DOI to your publications
  • we will take care of sending the required copies to libraries in the Czech Republic and fulfill the bidding obligation for you
  • we will arrange the distribution of publications for you (in our e-shop, in the publisher's bookstores, through the KOSMAS store network, bookstore Aleš Čeněk and our other partners)
  • we publish and distribute electronic publications  – our publications can be found on platforms such as Palmknihy.cz, Flexibooks, Google Books, "Levná knihovna" or EBSCO E-books.
  • in addition, we provide the sales of UWB promotional merchandise

Information for authors

List of publications

Are you interested in news published by the university press? Looking for a specific title? Take a look at our database of book titles.

Sale of publications

The complete offer of publications of the UWB University Press can be found in its e-shop at www.e-shop.zcu.cz. Ordered publications are sent C.O.D. or paid for based on an invoice. You can also send your order to objednavky@uk.zcu.cz or purchase selected publications in one of our stores.